Gratitude is the sign of noble souls ~ Aesop

Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving ~ Kahlil Gabran

Joy delights in joy ~ William Shakespeare

Friday, November 26, 2010

Belated Thanksgiving

I'm thankful for Day After Thanksgiving Thanksgiving and for our wonderful LA family waiting a day so we could all celebrate our many reasons to be thankful together:) I loved the sharing of the food and the cooking and the cleaning together, I loved the talking and laughing and singing and dancing with that little red-headed bundle of love. I loved the look of pure joy on the faces of our dogs as they ate delicious scraps, their eyes bugging out, loved all the make-shift tables and plates and mismatched glasses and silverwear...the word that keeps coming to mind is authentic. Yes, I'm thankful for an honest to goodness, nothing fancy, authentic and wonderful Thanksgiving.


  1. Here Here! Thanks to all the family and friends who made it such a beautiful night!

  2. ME TOO! So thankful for my family
