Gratitude is the sign of noble souls ~ Aesop

Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving ~ Kahlil Gabran

Joy delights in joy ~ William Shakespeare

Saturday, February 26, 2011

LA freezes over

Snow! In LA! Pretty cool to be here for it. Ryan made a tiny snowman and I caught little hail pellets in my hand. The sky was a gorgeous swirl of light and dark, cloud and sun -- it was a wild day and I was thankful I got to witness it.


  1. You brought the weather with you.

    And it's 70+ degrees here in GA in February! :O

  2. I know! It was pretty funny to see that the weather in CT was the same as LA...weird!
    EK's having warm weather strange for February!

  3. Nostradamus said something about snowmen in LA I think. Glad we were there to see it -- now it's time to get out! :)
