Gratitude is the sign of noble souls ~ Aesop

Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving ~ Kahlil Gabran

Joy delights in joy ~ William Shakespeare

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Back porch farmer's market

We've got 3 beans, an overgrown spinach bush, one pepper, 6 carrots and ten thousand cucumbers growing in our garden right now and it makes me so happy to go out every morning and see they've grown a bit more. The tomatoes are taking their sweet time this year, but I still appreciate seeing them try with tiny little yellow flower buds dotting the tips of each plant. In a strange way it inspires me the way such tiny seeds can grow into such a harvest. Whenever I think I'm too small to make a difference I just think about my garden and realize I've got a whole bushel-load of potential in me.


  1. Yeah for backyard gardens! For some reason, it's more than just providing nourishment for the body; it's food for the soul, as well. I feel complete when I look out at my little patch of veggies. It is very satisfying to see things grow from those tiny seeds we plant, and I think you are right about all the potential it represents :)

  2. Sounds good. Getting ready to start our garden. Last year, we had incredible miniature vegetables thanks to my planting the whole garden in complete shade under our peach tree. Live and learn I guess.

  3. Sun power! It's a nice sense of accomplishment to grow food... but there's also something more to it. Like we're doing what we're supposed to be doing -- what so many generations have done before us. Us city slickers are used to getting perfect foods in perfect plastic packages whenever we please. But using our hands and patience to create our own nourishment is something special.
