Gratitude is the sign of noble souls ~ Aesop

Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving ~ Kahlil Gabran

Joy delights in joy ~ William Shakespeare

Friday, December 3, 2010

Movie Night

It was a simple joy to lie in bed and watch LADY AND THE TRAMP tonight with Ryan -- and it was a joy for our pups too because they got to lie at the foot of the bed and watch with us, a rare treat. It was especially hilarious to watch Pippin watch the movie, trying to figure out what to make of it, and I was very proud of him when he jumped off the bed and barked his head off, trying to protect us from a cartoon rat. The movie is such a beautiful love letter to our ever faithful canine friends, and I found myself smiling the whole way through at it's sweet, gentle story.


  1. I am unwilling to watch kids' movies or tv shows now that I'm a mom. It is sad b/c I really used to like them. If I am watching a movie with Lee or by myself, I want a movie made for grown ups.

  2. It's funny, I almost feel like Lady and the Tramp was more made for grown ups than children with it's themes and humor...I think kids would be somewhat bored because they haven't developed the sentimental part of their hearts that will really be touched by the grown ups who watch it. Same thing with TOY STORY 3, which was actually my favorite movie of the year -- I loved it way more than my niece and nephew who thought it was quite funny that I couldn't stop crying:)

  3. I wonder what it would be like to take the Lady and the Tramp plot and apply them to real people. hmmmmm.......

  4. Great movie! Loved watching Pip look through that "window" and watch all the action happening outside
